Differential Geometry With Applicatons

Office: Shan 3485
Email: gu@g.hmc.edu
Phone: ext. 1-8929
Office Hours: Tuesday 2:00pm - 3:00pm

Course Meeting:

Monday, 7:00pm - 9:45pm PST

Course Location:

HM Campus, Shanahan Center, 3485

TA/Tutoring Hours:

Name: Teja Reddy
Email: treddy@hmc.edu
Hours: Thuesday 1-2:30PM
Location: Shan 2nd floor lounge O


All members of the class will be required to obtain the following text:
Manfredo P. Do CARMO, Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces 1st edition
You also need this:
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications


● 5% Readings
● 35% Homework
● 20% Midterm
● 40% Final Project
● [Up to 5% Extra Credit]

Course Requirements and Evaluation:

On each week choose some sections of a chapter from the computer vision book and summarize it unless the scheudule says not too. The summary will be due at the beginning of each class. Each summary must be at most one page. Must include some key math equation(s) behind the algorithm. Turn in the readings on the Sakai dropbox. Put the corresponding due date for that reading at the top and indicate which sections you read.
The homework is due once a week at the beginning of each lecture.The homeworks are listed under resources. Turn it in on the Sakai dropbox. Make sure to put the homework number at the top of the homework. The tex files are provided on the resources page.
Midterm Project
Details are in the final project page.
Final Project
Details are in the final project page.

Classroom Policies:

Lecture Notes
Links to lecture notes can be found at Course Schedule
Attendence for each lecture is mandatory and is expected of all class members. if you're going to miss a lecture, it is neccessary for you to inform the instructor as soon as possible. You are also responsible for obtaining notes from another class member.

You are welcome to use your computer or tablet for note-taking (the PowerPoint slides will also be posted shortly after the lecture for your convenience).


Students who need disability-related accommodations are encouraged to discuss this with the instructor as soon as possible.